Graduation Time

This weekend, my daughter will graduate, once again. This will be her second master’s degree. She is a scholar. She loves to study, to think, to wonder, to write, and to explore. Her degree will be a MFA in Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture. She has studied objects and their history with people and across time. Her focus has been on the history of the dining table. It has been a fascinating journey – for her, and for us.

As Mackensie has studied and learned, she has taught us so much. We have learned about silver, majolica, ephemera, the history of the Borscht Belt, and we have learned so much about the dining table. She has taken us through museums with a new lens, to places we never would have visited, and to a new appreciation of the objects that surround us.

On Saturday, when Mackensie walks across that stage and accepts her diploma, we will all join in and celebrate the love of learning!

5 thoughts on “Graduation Time”

  1. I find your daughter’s learning fascinating! Congratulations to her! Thanks for sharing. My mind is wondering all the places a deep dive into an object can take one.

  2. What a wonderful piece. I love how you wrote that your daughter is a scholar and loves to think, write and wonder. If I get a chance to do the March Slice this coming year, WONDER will be my topic. I can never get enough. Congratulations to you and your daughter. 🙂 Wendy

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