Saturday Reunions  

 I charged my phone and computer, put by notebook and pens in the bag, made my peanut butter and jelly sandwich, got my clothes ready, and went to bed early.  I couldn’t wait to go to bed so that I could get up at the crack of dawn (on a Saturday), pick up my friends, and head to New York City for yet another Saturday reunion.  I’ve probably been attending these free Saturday workshops provided by the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project for more than 25 years, and I felt as excited to be heading to New York today as I was when I was in my thirties and brand new to teaching.

Why am I still so eager to learn?  So excited about teaching?  So ready to spend my Saturday working? Why have I not become negative, tired, and pessimistic about the field of education as some of my colleagues have?  I think it’s because I love to outgrow myself.  Someone asked me recently what I thought the meaning of life was (Really?  That’s quite a question!).  When I thought about it, I decided that it is to be always learning, always trying to outgrow who you are and what you know, always hoping for something better.

The day was filled with new learning, new ideas, and new conversations.  Thank you, Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, for giving me just the opportunity I needed this month to learn and grow!  


6 thoughts on “Saturday Reunions  ”

  1. Oh, how I wish I lived closer to NY so I could attend these events. It sounds just wonderful. And I am right there with you and the love of learning. Life would be so boring if we didn’t keep pushing ourselves, wouldn’t it?

  2. That is amazing! How fantastic that you have the opportunity to learn. I used to go the writing project events. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. That’s a little t of Saturday’s. That speaks to your commitment to growing. You light up when you share new learning and ideas. This is such an important quality in an educator.

  4. You are so lucky to live so close. If I were you, I would totally spend my Saturdays doing this! What a gift it must be to rekindle those special learning connections. You are such a dedicated passionate learner. Each person who works with you benefits from your energy!

  5. It certainly does make life more fun when you try to outgrow yourself – this can be said of your profession, your hobby, your passion! This slice screams “I HAVE A GROWTH MINDSET!” Love it! Thanks for sharing!

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