Baking with Mom, Again..


I pull out the old recipe.  It was my grandmother’s, and may have even come from her mother in Sweden many, many years ago.  It is the recipe for our family’s cardamom coffee cake, usually eaten on Christmas mornings. Today I am making it as part of the menu for a Fika (the Swedish version of a coffee break) Fundraiser I am having this weekend to raise money to fund the scholarship I started in my mom’s name.

Following the old recipe, filled with stains from the many times this recipe has been used, and reading the notes/tips from my mom written all over the paper, inspired me to try a poem.
Baking with Mom, Again

Warm the milk

Lukewarm, about 100 – 110 degrees F.


Add to 1 and ½ yeast cakes

Two packets, and don’t forget a bit of sugar


Add 2 lbs flour to the milk mixture

That’s about 7 cups

Make sure you’ve added the salt first.


Let it rise in a warm place

Overnight is best

Put some water in a dish in a warm oven for best results.


Punch down


Take off your rings



Roll out and add melted butter, cinnamon, sugar, and raisins

Roll up. Cut. Shape. Bake.

Cut with scissors to get best shape


Old recipe

Filled with mom’s pencil notes.


Baking together, again.




9 thoughts on “Baking with Mom, Again..”

  1. What a beautiful thing – to have a recipe filled with your mom’s pencil marks. Truly like baking with her again, I bet. Creative slice – I like the voices with the recipe and then your mom’s words.

  2. Our favorite recipes are also memories. We cannot read and follow them without living the experiences of using them in the past with, or for, loved ones.
    This is beautiful!

  3. Absolutely love the structure you used! Whenever I pull out an old recipe, stained, and torn – I, too, hear the voices! This slice warmed my heart!

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