The Power of a Note

Today, like most days during this Distance Learning experience (or maybe I should say experiment), I emerged from my morning of sitting in my very small office at my very small desk on my very small chair, all tucked into the corner of our guest room, to grab a quick bite of lunch before hopping on to my next Google Meet.  As I grabbed the yogurt and a banana, my husband came through the door. “You got a card!”  he said, as he put the pile of mail down on the counter.

Hmmm, I thought.  Who would be sending me a card?  Mother’s Day is over and there are no birthdays or holidays coming up anytime soon. I can’t imagine it’s an invitation as no one is going anywhere right now.  I put down my bowl and spoon and reached for the card. As I looked at the envelope, I quickly recognized the handwriting.  Why would she be sending me a card? I thought.

I opened the envelope, unfolded the card, and read the words inside.  I was moved.  It was a note to say thank you. It was a note that recognized my efforts.  It was a note to wish me good health.  It was a note that said, “I see you.  I appreciate you.” It was, of course, completely unnecessary.  That’s what made it so special.

A simple note.  A few words. Such kindness.  Such power.

10 thoughts on “The Power of a Note”

  1. Feelin’ the love and appreciation in this slice! It’s amazing what one little note can do! Another reminder of the power of words! I bet it was even more special because it was written on a card, addressed, stamped, mailed and delivered, unexpectedly to YOU!

  2. I like how you describe your setting in the beginning. My set-up is also a small table in the guest bedroom! your unexpected note is such a gift! It rings through your slice.

  3. We never know how much a simple gesture can mean to others. This card, unnecessary but appreciated, showed caring. After your cramped room, small desk, small chair, this card made a big difference.

  4. I am a big believer in handwritten notes so I was happy to read your post confirming “the power of a note.” I am pleased to hear that someone took the time to “appreciate” you and that it brought you so much joy. What a nice surprise; I’m sure it was well deserved.

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