First, The List

I’ve decided to spend the 31 days of March reflecting on what I’ve learned as a literacy coach-turned-distance learning- first grade-teacher.  As I tried to work though my process for this month’s project, I thought it might make sense to start with a list (complete with notes)!

Some things I’ve learned (and want to think more about) as a distance learning teacher:

  1. Change can be hard (especially when you are not expecting it and don’t want it).
  2. Sometimes you have to do what is needed, not what you want (Morgan – brain surgeons are probably working in the COVID ER when they’d rather be doing neurosurgery.)
  3. Survival Mode (sometimes it’s enough)
  4. Relationships, relationships, relationships (Doug Reeves at the TC Supper Club)
  5. I can shed tears – lots and lots of tears.
  6. An old dog can learn new tricks – technology (slowly and with lots of help)
  7. Kids are amazing.
  8. Colleagues are amazing too: The power of colleagues/thought partners.  I couldn’t have survived this long without them.
  9. I am against muting students.
  10. Remote learning can work.
  11. Make it fun (virtual field trips, Spirit Days, holidays, and more)
  12. Building community is possible. (Andrew’s departure…crying). The kids’ response.
  13. Social Snack (Read Aloud, planning parties, math games)
  14. What would I do without the support of my friends and family?
  15. Building relationships is key (and possible and essential and at the core of all of this) (Tyrone Howard)
  16. Working with families.
  17. In person visit (They are so small!)
  18. Remote learning is not for everyone (G)
  19. Breakout Rooms (and what’s going on in the main room)
  20. Inviting children in and sending children off (our Jamboards)
  21. Kids are amazing (and fun too – chasing kids from BO room to main room and back, laughing while I’m trying to be serious).
  22. What I’ve learned from teaching math. (Give the answer….Marilyn Burns and JennSerravallo). Maybe we need more inquiry in LA.
  23. What I’ve learned about literacy (We have to make the work responsive.)
  24. It’s nice to have help (para support)
  25. Teaching writers is hard!
  26. Being a classroom teacher is hard (report cards, too much data, assessments, etc.).
  27. How this experience will change my coaching (Street Creds)
  28. Kids are amazing.
  29. Helping children through the tough spots while maintaining their dignity (on Zoom).
  30. Kids helping kids (RULER, the charter, new students, reaching out).
  31. We’re making it! Kids are growing! Kids are happy! Kids are kind!

Tomorrow: Time to start writing!

9 thoughts on “First, The List”

  1. Relationships, kids, and amazing are three words that stand out as I read your list! I’ve always believed that teaching and learning is rooted in human interaction and relationships — you list of what you’ve learned hits on this! I look forward to learning more about what you’ve learned as well as the small stories from your classroom!

  2. Relationships really make all the difference and this shines through in your post! I really want to make it to some of the TC Supper Clubs (would be my breakfast), but the timing usually does not work. Collaboration also has taken on new importance for me. I love your focuses.

  3. Coaching and then back to teaching has been an interesting transition for me as well. I love this list!! I prefer to not mute kids as well but sometimes have to because of extreme background noise and Inappropriate adult language!!!
    The kids are still growing and that is what matters!!!

  4. I am so happy to read this and to spend some time with you this month. It was fun to reread to look for patterns in the list. Sort of patterns and contradictions too. I want to hear all of the things. Hooray for March!

  5. This year has been quite a learning experience and I am glad you will use what you have learned to help others and move us forward as a school. You have definitely built a lot of street cred this year! I can’t wait to hear the stories behind these lessons.

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