A Photograph

Prompt #3: Think about a photograph you feel a strong emotional connection to. Tell who is in the photo and why you treasure it.

Her eyes are closed, her head titled back just so with her chin resting on her gloved hands. She is leaning on a cement wall, soaking in the scene behind her; the city of Paris.  The Eiffel Tower is lit up in the distance, the yellow glow reflected in the River Seine as it runs through the background.  Although the photograph is clearly taken at night, Mackensie’s face is showered in light.  She looks grounded, full of life and love and confidence; so happy in this space. 

I’ve had this photograph of my daughter on my desk for many years.  It was taken when she was an undergraduate student and spent some time living  in France. She loved her time abroad.  She became fluent in French, lived in two different apartments in two very different arrondissements, shopped, cooked, studied, met new friends, and knew her way in and around the city like it was her own. 

This photograph reminds me how strong and brave this girl is, and how she continues to live life on her own terms. This photograph encourages me to find my space, to take more risks, to live a bigger life, and to continue to work to become my own, authentic self.

Happy March 9!

10 thoughts on “A Photograph”

  1. This is a beautiful slice and photo. The description of her face in the glow stands alone, without the image. The image and your words are full of love and admiration.

  2. It’s a beautiful picture and a beautiful tribute to your daughter. Photos capture moments in time that become memories and stories. I love how you describe the picture, and I also love the memories and meanings you create for us to understand the context and importance.

  3. Love this prompt/quick write. You captured the joy of the photo with your description. Writing about photographs reminds me of Lois Lowry’s book Looking Back. It was lovely to meet you at our slicer gathering. I have a strong and brave daughter too. She inspires me every day.

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