Awesome Thing #18/31

I’m writing about one awesome thing each day during the month of March in hopes that it will help me be more positive and less afraid of the world around me.

 18. Seeing a bald eagle!

We went for a late afternoon/early evening walk with the dog after work on (something I cherish now that Daylight Savings Time has begun).  We were strolling along, sharing moments from our work days,  when my husband suddenly pointed up toward the sky and said, “That’s a bald eagle!”  This is a pretty remarkable sighting in our area, so I quickly looked up to see a large bird about to land in a nearby tree.  I said, “Are you sure?  It kind of looks like a large seagull! (I am NOT the bird expert in the family, so I’m really not sure why I was saying such a thing.  I guess I had a hard time believing that we were actually looking at a bald eagle.)  Well, a bald eagle it was.  He (or maybe she…again, not the bird expert) landed on a branch of a nearby tree. I walked around the tree looking at him (her), taking as many pictures as I could to try to capture this rare experience. As I zoomed in to snap photos, the bald head was very clear.  The eagle watched me as I circled the tree a few times.  He/she sat up tall and looked very proud of him/herself.  I was grateful to be in the presence of this majestic animal and symbol of our country.

5 thoughts on “Awesome Thing #18/31”

  1. So fun to see this symbolic bird in person! As you describe walking around the tree, I was thinking about what that bird must be thinking of seeing you. Maybe a possible writing prompt to follow one day – write from the POV of the animal in the photo! Thanks for shairng this fun siting!

  2. The bird and the sighting are both awesome things! Just the other day, I read an article about a bald eagle nesting in the Toronto area – they don’t normally come that far north – and they are keeping the location a secret so the bird can nest in peace. What a unique experience that must have been and having the photo and this post has now captured the memory.

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