Pogo – Prompt Response #2

Choose a scene featuring you and your favorite pet. One time I was with my dog (my cat, my horse) and……

OK.  I’ll admit it. I actually liked writing to this prompt, so I am going to do a few more responses and see where it takes me.  

Pogo was a dog in a time when there were no leashes or fences (electric or otherwise).  Dogs just went wherever they wanted to, whenever they felt like it.  It’s interesting to look back now and realize that we really never had any problems with the dogs running free in the neighborhood.  They never wandered too far or caused many problems. 

Pogo did, however, have one habit that was pretty dangerous and certainly could have wreaked havoc for him and the humans who drove cars up and down our road. Every day Pogo would stroll out to the street in front of our house, plop down in a spot of sun on the black pavement, stretch his long body out as far as it would go (Pogo was a big old Basset Hound so his body was looooong.) and sleep the day away.  Although this daily habit was risky, Pogo was never hit by a car.  Never even a close call.  He must have felt the vibration when a car was coming, because every now and then he would get up, stretch, and slowly get himself to the side of the road. A car would pass, and he would return to his sunny spot…..until the next car came.

Here he his! Believe me, this step over a twig took a lot of effort!

9 thoughts on “Pogo – Prompt Response #2”

  1. I understand loving the sun (Miles does) but I am so surprised he wasn’t afraid to sleep near the passing cars! I’m wondering why he was named Pogo?

  2. Pogo lived life how I want to live it – – find a sunny spot to stretch out and love life, and stay in my lane but know when to move out of the way. He had it all figured out, him and his little short legs trying to get over the stick.

  3. Yes, this is the dog on Dogwood Lane. They must have been related. Nancy really wanted to get a basset hound when we first got married. She wanted to name it Turbo. I talked her out of it by reminding her of the big hill in our front yard and how Turbo would probably refuse to climb the steps. Imagine carrying Pogo/Turbo up a flight of stairs every morning? Still, he seems like the perfect dog to hang out with.

  4. There can never be too many posts about your dog(s)! 🙂 What a different world we live in. My husband and I were just talking about letting animals/pets wonder while we were on a walk yesterday with our puppy. We so wished we could let her off her leash so she could better chase our children. Happy slicing! I look forward to reading more dog slices!

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