Feeling Whole

There’s no room on the coatrack.

A white puffer and a navy pea coat take up the hooks where my coat usually hangs.

The chair by the door is piled high with two purses and a camel-colored scarf.

There is a tea cup in the sink.

An empty Pellegrino bottle and Starbucks cup sit on the table.

The white throw is tossed on the couch.

The New York Times sections spread over the living room.

The bedrooms that spend so much time sitting empty are filled with suitcases and clothing and beds unmade.

As disorganized as this sounds, I am complete.

My girls are home.



11 thoughts on “Feeling Whole”

  1. You describe it perfectly. The mess and piles of lived in home are a blessing – you captured the observations in your home with simple effective lines that paint a picture! Enjoy the girls and the mess 🙂

  2. I like how the details pile up into wholeness. And I am trying to imagine a time when I will welcome the clutter my two make these days. Always good to have a little perspective. Glad your girls are home!

  3. I know that puffer and pea coat, I know those couches where they sprawl and/or tuck up into a book and a blanket… so I have had that feeling of you finding your whole and you express it simply and beautifully.

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